Migration Into The Caribbean Essay

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Describe the major migrations into the Caribbean that greatly impacted Caribbean society and culture Caribbean Society has been ever changing over time as many peoples migrated into the region and brought with them their various cultures. Migration can be defined as the movement of a person or people from one geographical location to another. Culture can be defined as the way of life of a people and can be material or non-material. Material culture is that which is tangible such as food and clothing while non-material are behavioral factors such as societal values for example religion. There were four major migrations that shaped Contemporary modern society; The Amerindians, The Europeans, The Africans and the Indentured Servants. In this essay the influence of the migrations in the molding of contemporary Caribbean society will be examined. The…show more content…
The first was the Amerindian migration across the Bering Strait where the inhabitants consisted of the Taino, Kalinago and Maya. The second migration was that of the Europeans which saw the genocide of the Taino population in the Caribbean due to harsh working conditions and foreign diseases without cure. Afterwards came the African migration where blacks were forcibly taken from West Africa and brought to the Caribbean to work on plantations. In this instance African culture and European culture began to merge as the Europeans imposed their values and the blacks tried to maintain theirs in what little ways they could. For example, this resulted in religions such as Spiritual Baptists, Shango and Voodoo. Finally, post emancipation east Indians, Chinese, Javanese and Madeirans migrated to the Caribbean on contracts to work for the Europeans, and after the contracts many of them remained and retained their culture forming Plural Societies in territories such as Trinidad and Jamaica to a lesser
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