Describe and Evaluate the Working Model of Memory

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Describe and evaluate the working model of memory The working model of memory consists of many components, these are the central executive, the phonological loop- which also involves the articulatory control system and the phonological store, the visuospatial sketchpad and the episodic buffer. The central executive is considered the most important part of working memory, because it controls attention and coordinates the actions of the other components, it can briefly store information, but has a limited capacity. The central executive can store information from any kind of code. The phonological loop consists of two parts, the articulatory control system and the phonological store, The articulatory control system rehearses information verbally and has a capacity of about 2 seconds. It is the system that you use to mentally rehearse information by repeating it over and over again, it is also known as the ‘inner voice’. The phonological store uses acoustic code to store information, but this information decays after about 2 seconds, unless it is rehearsed by the articulatory control system. The phonological store receives its input either directly from the ears or from long term memory, also known as the ‘inner ear’. The visuospatial sketchpad stores and manipulates visual information, input is from the eyes or long term memory. The episodic buffer’s purpose is to bring together all of the information from the other components of working memory with information about time and order. This prepares memories for storage in episodic long term memory. The strengths of the WMM are that it has been extremely influential; most cognitive psychologists now use working memory in preference to other theories. It is also a much more plausible model than the MSM as it explains stm in terms of both temporary storage and active processing. It may also account for findings

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