Depression Linked To Childhood Obesity

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Running head: CHILDHOOD OBESITY 1 Depression Linked To Childhood Obesity Courtney Ballard ENG 122 Danika Novak August 13, 2012 CHILDHOOD OBESITY 2 Depression Linked To Childhood Obesity Introduction Childhood obesity is a serious epidemic with multiple consequences, and a direct result of those consequences is depression. Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years (CDC, 2012, para. 1). Poor eating habits and lack of exercise play a major role in the onset of childhood obesity, which results in physical damage and health risks. The stresses of being physically unfit are incredible and the fears of being in danger health wise can be daunting. This leads to factors…show more content…
Obesity, having excessive amounts of body fat, impairs health and has serious physical and mental consequences. (, 2011) Causes of childhood obesity There is a variety of factors associated with causing childhood obesity. Although genetics can affect weight, evidence shows that lifestyle choices and environmental factors have the largest impact. Little physical movement and/or consuming too many calories can result in considerable weight gain. These sedentary lifestyles contribute greatly to childhood obesity. Television plays a big role in sedentary lifestyles and its advertisements are widely spread and influential. “Although televised food advertising targets all age groups, food CHILDHOOD OBESITY 4 products are the most heavily promoted category targeting young children. Food advertisements account for well over 50% of all advertisements targeting children on national network and food is the most frequently advertised product category on children’s TV” (Kiess, Marcus, & Wabitsch, 2004, page 93, para.2). Fast food, in particular, is heavily…show more content…
Depression causes problems that can destroy childhood and continue to have harmful effects throughout the course of the child’s lifetime. Children who grow up maintaining a proper weight are less likely to have health issues and are less likely to be discriminated against or bullied, thus considerably reducing the likelihood of depression. In addition, this will lead to a better future. The information provided is important to inform people of the consequences of childhood obesity. It is also important to decide what measurements need to be taken to prevent this epidemic. Learning and understanding the effects of depression in childhood obesity will give individuals the knowledge to make the right choices for the children, ensuring a healthy future both mentally and physically. Therapy and medications are not suitable answers to overcoming depression associated with childhood obesity. Prevention of the problem is key. It starts with knowledge and understanding, a healthy, active lifestyle, and the desire to be a good role model for children, so they never have to suffer depression linked to childhood obesity or experience the troubles it would bring to the remainder of their
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