Depression Is a Symptom

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Depression Is A Symptom Psychology Essay Depression is a symptom of a clear reluctance, lack of will and ability of man to get himself, and lack of will to live. Will is the energy of life, the power that drives everything and everyone. No motive and no desire for anything engine. Person who is in a state of depression, as he lost his motivation and energy to function in daily life in general. Such a reluctance may be due to many different reasons a person's various levels, for example, negative thinking patterns such as, "I do not deserve to be here, do not deserve to live" or "not for what, as it is dead end." Once listed depression, he asks us to form and language, to stop everything, get into bed and do think in order to repair, balance and restore the joy of living life. In this article I will present a comprehensive overview of what is depression, symptoms and various diagnoses, how to treat depression conventional perception, some physical processes occurring in the body pathology in depression. The term "depression" can be misleading because everyday use the word depression to describe a temporary depressed feeling many people have often not necessarily reflect clinical problem. Temporary feelings of sadness and depression are normal and natural part of our lives, especially when they are directly related to unpleasant events or negative internal feelings. Clinical depression, however, these feelings go beyond any reason or proportion of external causes. All life events occur that may bring sadness, but people who are depressed can cope with these events and continue to function. You can view the term "depression" sadness, depression, or melancholy. However, sadness is not necessarily the dominant emotion in human depressive. Depression can also experience a feeling of drowsiness or emptiness, or sometimes numbness at all. Depressed person may lose the
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