Democratic Theory Essay

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Democratic Theory Democracy is a form of government is run by the people of that country through elections and representation. A democracy is really a form of a republic known as a democratic republic. A republic is a government where officials, elected by a small group of people, make the important decisions. Human nature is fallible. Humans cannot live without making any mistakes. Hitler wanted to make this world a perfect society by following Utopia, and he killed almost 7 million people, but he never succeeded. Humans are alive to make mistakes. Theorists thought that what could they do to make a political system to create a system and they came up with the idea of democracy. Democracy means many things to many different people. Theorist defined it in many ways for example; Aristotle defines three main and basic regimes, Kingship, Aristocracy and Democracy. These regimes all have a deviant regime corresponding with it that is Tyranny, Oligarchy and Democracy. Aristotle's theory was based on his theory of justice. Kingship is pretty self-explanatory regime, for Aristotle it is the most desired regime but due to its ability to quickly turn into tyranny it is not the best possible regime. Kingship is simple; it is an idealized form of monarchic government in which the king is an exceptional individual who governs with everyone's best interests in mind. According to Aristotle Oligarchy and democracy are almost the same except the part where in oligarchy the wealthy people govern the people whereas in democracy poor people take control on everything. Aristotle believes that Oligarchy is a bad form of government because rich people controls everything and whatever they do they do it for their own interest and they disregard the poor people. Another theorist Thomas Hobbes presented an idea and his nature of philosophy was to describe human nature. He argues
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