Dementia Awareness And Stereotypes

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Dementia Awareness The word ‘dementia’ is a term, which describes a serious deterioration in mental functions, such as memory, language, orientation and judgement. In an individual previously unimpaired, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. The brain is a complex organ and is divided up into different areas that control different functions within the body. The brain contains around 100 billion cells. In Dementia some of these cells stop working properly. The part of the brain that this occurs in will affect how that person thinks, remembers and communicates [pic] Alzheimer’s disease is caused by nerve cells dying in certain areas of the brain. In addition to this, the connections between affected nerve cells deteriorate. [pic]…show more content…
People who are newly diagnosed with the condition are sometimes disbelieved because they appear ‘normal’ and are dribbling or babbling. Some myths or falsehoods can create an unrealistic hope within the person or their family. People’s inappropriate views or opinions on dementia often arise from ignorance. For many, the only portrayal they have of dementia is that which they see on television. Storylines shown in films are often of people in the advanced stages of dementia. If this is the only perspective you have, then there is no wonder why society looks at this condition in the way it does. If the individual newly diagnosed with dementia or…show more content…
A is 65 years young and has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Mrs. A is fully aware of her diagnosis but apart from having to write things down to remember she does not see that this will cause her any difficulties and does not think that she needs any support at the moment. Mrs. A continues about her day-today life as usual and goes out. As Mrs. A is 65 and her outlook on life is positive she is taking the news well and believes she can go about her usual business. This is due to her having Alzheimer’s in the early stages as she has not seen any major decline in her abilities apart from a little to her memory. Also, Mrs. A is able to continue to go out so again does not feel that having Alzheimer’s is holding her

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