Dementia 102 Essay

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Assignment 102 Understand the administration of medicines to individuals with dementia using a person-centred approach (Unit 102) Task A 1. Investigate medicines commonly used to treat dementia. There are four main treatment medicines as below Reminyl (galantamine) used to treat mild, moderate and severe dementia; this can be taken in a tablet or oral solution form. Aricept (donepezil) used to treat mild to moderate dementia; this can be taken in a tablet or oral solution form. Exelon (rivastigmine) used to treat moderate to severe dementia, this is taken via a transdermal patch applied to the skin. Ebixa (memantine) used to treat severe dementia; this is taken in tablet or oral form. Reminyl, Aricept and Exelon belong to a group of drugs called ACE inhibitors. They prevent enzymes breaking down acetylcholine in the brain, acetylcholine communicates between nerve cells in the brain. Ebixa is not an ACE inhibitor, but blocks a chemical called glutamate from damaging brain cells. a) Explain when antipsychotic drugs might be used to relieve symptoms for an individual with dementia. Antipsychotic drugs might be used to relieve symptoms of aggression, restlessness, depression, wandering, confusion, hallucinations, and tearfulness, these are only to be used when other interventions such as walking, chatting, social interactions and activities, removal of triggers affecting behaviour. They need to be prescribed and administered under the NICE (National Institute of Health and Care Excellence) guidelines; NICE is the Government body that is responsible for assessing the cost and clinical effectiveness of drug treatments and producing guidance of which treatments should be funded by the National Health Service. They also need to be frequently reviewed whilst in use and only used as a last resort. b) Name examples of antipsychotic drugs that might be prescribed
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