Deforestation In Indonesia

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Deforestation in Indonesia The rates of deforestation in Indonesia are still a major biological issue in the world. The main reasons why so many forests are being destroyed are varied. Forests have been cleared for fuel, wood and paper products, cattle ranching, farming, mining and road construction in order to fulfil the human demands. However, most of the people did not aware that this mass environmental destruction has had a huge impact on the ecosystems and organisms survival. The causes of deforestation and the human demands: Fuel: half of all the trees cut down in the world are used for fuel. Burning wood is common in developing countries like Indonesia where there are often no readily-available alternatives. This in itself is not a huge problem; the only thing is that most of these trees are not replaced, which is a problem. Wood and Paper Products: the use of wood and paper, mainly in developed countries, is a huge factor driving deforestation in Indonesia. Hardwoods like mahogany are sought after for furniture and are consequently very valuable. In every square kilometre of rainforest in Indonesia, there are probably only half a dozen mahogany trees, yet the whole area is often cut down for those few trees, with other trees left to rot, even if they are useful for something. Cattle-ranching: areas of rainforest, generally in developing countries, are cleared by cutting down all the vegetation and then burning it. Pastures of grass are then grown and used for grazing cattle. As soon as the cattle are a certain age, they are slaughtered. Although some of the meat goes to locals, a lot goes to the cheap meat industries in countries such as the UK and the US, giving products such as corned beef and burgers. Huge areas of rainforest therefore have to be cleared to support several hundred cattle. After a few years, all the nutrients have been
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