Declaration Of Independence Essay

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Declaration in My Eyes How do I see the Declaration of Independence in my own eyes? This is a very important document which was written primarily by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. The Declaration was written to declare the thirteen American Colonies independent from Britain’s rule. This document is a very important part of America’s history and how we came to be the United States of America instead of being under the British Empire’s rule. The purpose of my essay is to explain and translate out the Declaration of Independence in my own words. I will take sections of the document that I find important and explain what point Thomas Jefferson was trying to get across. The Declaration of Independence is a very important document that gave specific…show more content…
This goes against what any good government should do. A government should be there to make decisions that are going to benefit and help develop the state as a whole and not try to hold them back. This is just one example of how little the king really cared about the…show more content…
He called together meetings in places that were far away from their own public records only to pretty much bore and tire them into obeying whatever he wanted. Then he repeatedly broke up the Representative Houses for opposing his views on invading into the rights of the people. The Representative House didn’t like how the king wanted to attack people’s personal rights so the king would just get rid of them. Then, after terminating them, he refused for a long time to allow others to be elected into those positions. His actions just showed how much he didn’t care and how he got in the way of the development of the state as a whole. The whole time he didn’t allow new people to be elected into these positions, it left the state in the mean time exposed to danger of invasion from the outside and other disturbances from
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