Deck Archetypes

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1.Decide your playing style - This is important, as it determines how people would look at you as a duelist. Are you a rash duelist who would rapidly summon, attack and activate cards? Or are you the deep thinker who would analyze your hand and field before making a move? Or maybe the duelist that would remove cards from play so your opponent cannot use them again? Considering these would help you choose a deck archetype. 2.Choose your deck type -a themed deck, or one that follows a specific theme of cards. NEVER have a deck with too many cards in it. This is refered to as card salad, and you will be not drawing parts of combos. 3.Choose your deck basis - I'd rather recommend a themed deck, as the cards are least likely to get banned, resulting in sure playablity. Refer to the tips for a link about archetypes. 4.Choose your monsters - Once you know what deck you want to play,…show more content…
Have 4 or less of these. Cards with two tributes need at least 2600 attack. Fill in the rest of your monster card section of your deck with these cards. 16.Trap cards are useful, but especially the ones that prevent attacks from enemy monsters. You should have about 6 or more of these trap cards, and some examples are Scrap Iron Scarecrow, Negate Attack and Sakurestu Armor. Spellbinding Circle and Nightmare's Wheel prevent the monster from attacking as long as it is on the field. You should have ten trap cards, and so pick four others that will help you in game play too. 17.Regular Spell cards should either destroy enemy monsters, inflict damage to your opponent, and should let your monsters gain large amounts of attack. You should have at least 8-10 of these. There is also a kind called Quick-Play Spell cards. They have a lightning bolt icon next to the word "Spell Card," printed on the card. You should have three to five of them, because they can be used on your opponent's turn. Book of Moon is a common Quick Play

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