Death of Salesman and Big Fish

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Death of salesman in class essay Hypnotization is a great technique used by writers as a way of keeping readers interested, as well as the complexity of the story itself; requiring readers to genuinely think about its meaning. Usually works that have a very simple story line such as in Death of a Salesman don’t get too much hype because of the lack of diversity in its composition, but this specific play succeeded in a curious way consequently entailing readers to think deeply about its value. On the other hand, hypnotizing as a skill is clearly shown in Big Fish in which readers are mesmerized by the ongoing different situations that are suspicious making the story line questionable in many areas about what is told is true or not. Big fish demonstrates how families have their different behaviors and ways of communication, in this story a character is known for always telling stories to other family members, but some stories are completely made up. The intriguing aspect about the movie is that people never know if Willy (father) is telling the truth or not. This way the story is on going captivating cycle of stories and new characters transforming it into something addicting. The idea in Burton’s film is the inception of stories and what about them is based on reality thus making the audience continuously fixated with the issue, a strong example of hypnotization being used in Burton’s film is the last scene in the bathtub, a simple dialog with a straightforward. Death of a salesman consists of a basic simple story with predictable components thus making readers think logically towards the importance of its existence. Why does an average family trigger so much significance? The life of one man involves someone so intensely that audiences are unconsciously invited to contemplate upon its hypothetical outcome. This play demonstrates a life of a unsuccessful
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