Dead Poets Society Essay

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This essay will be about the movie Dead Poets Society and the rules which are imposed by the teacher Mr. Keating and also how the teachers deal with students who break the rules. In the movie we can see that the teacher is a hero to his students, the teacher uses different types of methods and applies different rules to which the school applies, this in a sense is very important as one must be aware of the context in which they are teaching. The rules applied in this movie may seem to show that Mr. Keating is a very good teacher, but as the context is not appropriate for his teaching methods it portrays him as being a bad teacher. Firstly, I will be talking about the teacher’s style of teaching, Mr. Keating is a teacher who wants his students to think for themselves, and encourages them to do what they think its right even if they are told the opposite. He also mentions that words and ideas can change the world, assuring the students that they can do whatever they please because their thoughts matter. Mr. Keating pushes his students to find their own voice. Mr.Keating does not apply simple classroom rules he makes students rip out from books because he believes they are unnecessary, he also does not use the classroom like it should be, students are allowed to stand up tables to prove a point, he also takes his students outside of the classroom teaching in different environments such as in the courtyard or applying poetry with physical education. It also seems as if the teacher does not have a lesson plan and acts as he believes is appropriate at that moment in time. He acts more like a friend to the students than a teacher, which results in the students being more reckless. The students find a picture of Mr.Keating and they ask him about the text written underneath which talks about the Dead Poets Society, as he explains to the students what it is, he is actually
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