Dbq Outline

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I. Intro a. THESIS: The Progressive Movement focused on labor laws, women’s rights, and poor sanitation, which influenced the philosophy of the nation and changed it forever. II. Body Paragraph #1—LABOR LAWS a. First Argument point – aimed to fix the problems in society that resulted from the industrial movement, such as long working hours, little pay, dangerous working conditions, and child labor. b. Doc that supports your argument – E c. Statement to link back to thesis – Social progressives of the era realized the harsh injustices and problems in the labor system and aimed to change them, in turn defining the labor system in the way that it exists today, which proves that the work of the progressives influenced the nation forever. d. Second Argument point – factory investigating commission took note of the disregard for rights, safety, and health of workers e. Doc that supports your argument - F f. Statement to link back to thesis – Due to the movements of the Progressive Era concerning the rights, health and safety of workers, such as factory investigations, the government was forced to acknowledge this, which changed the lives of laborers in the U.S. forever. III. Body Paragraph #2—WOMEN’S RIGHTS a. First Argument point – right to vote b. Doc that supports your argument - I c. Statement to link back to thesis – The women’s progressive movement finally succeeded in gaining the right to vote, showing the influence of progressivism on the government and evidencing its potential to forever change the nation. d. Second Argument point – equal pay e. Doc that supports your argument - N f. Statement to link back to thesis – Due to the pushing of social reformers for equalizing women’s and men’s pay, the philosophy of the government, and in turn the nation, was changed. IV. Body Paragraph #3 – POOR SANITATION a. First Argument point – poor
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