Dbq on Religious Beliefs Justifying War

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We do know that religious beliefs causes war, but I do not think that relgious beliefs justify war. Some beliefs believe that war is a sin, that you shouldn't do it. Some religions believe that war isn't a sin and you will be pinished if you do not go fight for your god. Document 1 (Bhagavad-Gita, the Hindu song of God) , document 4 (Haji according to the Quran 4:74-74) , and document 5 ( Pope Innocent 3 in Fourth Lateran Council, 1215) are grouped together because they believe that you will be punished if you do not participate in war for your god. In documnet 1, they were disgraced they didn't fight. In document 4, they were not rewarded in their afterlife. In document 5 they will have to face it on their judgement day. Document 2 (The Book of Joshua from the Old Testament) and document 5 (Pope Innocent 3 in the Fourth Lateran Council 1215) are grouped together because they are an act of war going on in each document. In the rest of the documents, they are stating about if a war is about to happen and in these they are explaining their war. I believe that these wars are both happening because of teritory. Document 3 (The Art of War by Sun Tzu) is grouped by itself because it doesn't really state whether it's belief is for or against the war. It's using relgion to test the rulers to see who deserves it the most. In the document they are determining that by a set of questions. Document 3 is more of a strategy or structure for the Dao. An additional document that I would add would be a story from the Old Testament in the Holy Bible of a city that has been attacked. None of these documents tell whether they are for or against war. They are either planning for a war or preparing for one to happen. The reason for war is not specifically stated. After reading this, I still believe that religion and principles are not justified by

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