Dbq Intro & 1St Paragraph-French And Indian War Es

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Depending on how one looks at it, it may be stated that a series of miscommunications ultimately caused the American Revolution. In general, when Parliament passed an act, tax, or law, it was to fix a problem they felt was detrimental to the colonies. The colonists, however, perceiving these policies as a deliberate attempt to repress colonial growth and gain wealth at the expense of the colonies, often misinterpreted them. These misunderstandings, such as the Proclamation of 1763, further alienated the colonists from their mother country, and along with obstinate resistance from Britain towards addressing colonial concerns, led to the consequent revolution. Although the colonists sustained a connection to Britain for more than a decade after the British victory in the French and Indian War, the strategies Parliament implemented to strengthen their hold on the colonies and pay off war debts, as well as their provincial views towards the colonists, primed the American colonies for independence as relations between Britain and its colonies began to sour. The changing perceptions the British and Colonists had toward one another played a crucial part in the eventual split of the British nation, as the colonists started seeing themselves as a different breed from their English relations. During the French and Indian War, this was especially seen in the relationship between a soldier and his general. General Edward Bradock, appointed to direct colonial troops in the Americas, saw his soldiers as provincials who were not able to protect themselves from the French threat. He refused to take crucial advice from respected American advisors, and as a result ended up being ambushed by Indians and defeated. This was frequently the case during the French and Indian War, as soldiers’ diaries often complained of being treated no better than slaves. Colonial soldiers had
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