Informative Speech On Rape

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Informative Speech Outline: Date Rape General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose Statement: The audience will about Date Rape INTRODUCTION Catchy Attention Getter: Have you ever gone to a party and a random stranger offers you a drink? Do you end up taking it? Most people take a free drink without thinking about the consequences. Central Idea (Thesis Statement): Today you will learn about Date Rape Establish Credibility: All throughout High school I dreamt about going to college and experiencing the typical college life, consisting of: staying out late, cramming from papers, the freedom, and not having to listen to anyone else but yourself. Never did I realize how dangerous life would be without someone guiding you through it. Preview Statement: Today you will be informed about * what Date Rape is, * the drugs and alcohol used, * how to Protect/ Get help if you…show more content…
So here are things you should do when/if it happens. Getting Help Injured Emergency room Call someone Family member Friend Report to someone Preserve all evidence Don’t change clothes or wash them Express your feelings Write down what happened Hotline Call hotline if you don’t know what to do Transition to Conclusion: Now you can understand the steps you need to get help and avoid date rape. CONCLUSION Summarizing Statement: Today you have learned what date rape is and the steps that you should take to avoid this happening to you. Concluding Device: Now the next time you’re at a party and notice things that stick out, you can look and see how comfortable you are and when to accept a drink from someone. Use these steps and maybe you cannot just save your life but a friend as well. And remember no means
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