Dante Peak Essay

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Dante’s Peak In the movie “Dante’s Peak” Harry was called in to work at The United States Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver Washington because there was a chance for a potential eruption at Dante’s Peak. A young couple had gone skinny dipping in Twonset Hot Springs, a body of water located within Dante’s Peak, and as they were enjoying themselves lava erupted. The mayor, Rachel, son and his friends hang out in a local mine, which she tells him to stop going to. Harry checks the acidity in the water as a part of his observation. Old rocks give him an idea of when the last volcano was active. Harry and the mayor later found the body of the young couple while Harry was doing part of his observation. The volcano was supposed to be extinct; at least that is what the people in town thought. Now that they have found two bodies, while doing observation, Harry has let the town people know that it could be a possible eruption at Dante’s Peak. Harry’s boss from Cascades Volcano Observatory let him know that he was sent to take a look around the town, not scare everyone. Since Harry has scared the town of possible eruption, it could ruin the town’s social economic standings. The Observatory is making sure that if the time comes they will warn the town to take precautions when necessary. Harry knows that the town is in trouble, and is staying around to keep checking on the volcano. His boss keeps telling him that he needs to understand that politics are involved, but it’s obvious that Harry is more worried about the people’s safety, and awareness of the eruption. They put some type of system in the ground that will let them know if the volcano erupts. They have a machine called spider legs that takes gas readings, and send video to home base. They use spider legs when it is too dangerous for them to go in. Terry, one of the observers from Cascades

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