D2 Evaluate the Importance of Homeostasis in Maintaining the Healthy Functioning of the Body

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Evaluate the importance of homeostasis in maintaining the healthy functioning of the body (D2) Homeostasis is important in maintaining good health because it maintains cellular function. If the cells in our body weren’t at the right temperature and don’t receive enough oxygen they wouldn’t function properly and eventually they would die. Negative feedback is vital in maintaining homeostasis because when a certain factor within the body varies from the norm, receptors detect it and send a message through either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system to start corrective mechanisms to restore it back to the norm. For example, if a person gets too cold the receptors detect this sending a message through the sympathetic nervous system causes the hairs on your body to raise trapping air to keep the body warm and it sends a message to your muscles so they spasm to produce heat. This is important because if your body gets too cold your cells can’t maintain cellular function and would become denatured. The optimum temperature for the body is 37 degrees Celsius so is your temperature drops below temperature it won’t be able to function at a healthy level. This is known as hypothermia. Hypothermia can also put the body at risk. If the body rises above the optimum temperature your cells cannot maintain healthy cellular function and would become denatured. Receptors pick this negative feedback up and send a message through the sympathetic nervous system to flatten the hair on your body to increase conductivity, it causes the sweat glands to secrete liquid which evaporates of your body to cool you down and it causes your capillaries to rise to the surface of your skin to radiate heat to help cool the body down. All of this help to regulate your body’s temperature to maintain good cellular function therefore maintaining healthy functioning of the body. Homeostasis is

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