Cystic Fibrosis Paper

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Cystic Fibrosis: An In Depth Study Rachel Mcnally's Author Note This paper is being submitted on June 16, 2013, for Rachel Mcnally’s G150 Structure and Function of the Human Body course. Cystic Fibrosis: An In Depth Study What if I could tell you of a disease that affects 70,000 people worldwide (“What You Need to Know”, n.d.)? What if I could tell you of a disease that is hereditary so that there is nothing you can do to cause or prevent it? What if I could tell you of a disease that is so deadly that even after years of study there is no cure, and everyone who contracts it eventually dies? What if I could tell you about a disease that is so lethal no matter how many medications you take or how many treatments are performed,…show more content…
If you have CF, one of your genes is not working correctly. This is known as a CFTR gene, and is located on chromosome 7. There are several mutations that can happen in this gene, meaning that there are different severities of cystic fibrosis that can occur. CFTR helps to control how cells handle sodium and chloride ions. The mutation in CFTR causes the cells to be unable to handle sodium and chloride correctly. This causes cells in affected organs to have a problem in the way sodium and chloride travel in and out of cells. This causes the mucus outside the cells to be too thick, as in the airways of the lungs (Kenny,…show more content…
Treatment usually includes preventing and controlling infections in the lungs, removing mucus from the lungs, preventing and treating intestinal blockage, and providing adequate nutrition. Medications include (1) antibiotics, to treat lung infections, (2) mucus-thinning drugs, helping the patient cough up the mucus, (3) bronchodilator, which helps to keep airways open by relaxing muscles around bronchial tubes, and (4) oral pancreatic enzymes which help the digestive tract absorb nutrients. Patients can also receive chest physical therapy, helping loosen mucus so the patient can cough it up. One of these techniques involves clapping with cupped hands on the front and back of the patient's chest. There are three Mechanical devices that are commonly used to help loosen mucus (1) a chest clapper that mimics the effect of cupped hands clapping over the rib cage, (2) inflatable vest, that is worn around the chest and vibrates at high frequency, and (3) breathing devices, which normally include a tube or mask through which the patient exhales while also performing breathing exercises. Pulmonary rehabilitation may also be recommended to improve lung function and overall well-being. Pulmonary rehabilitation may include exercise training, nutritional counseling, energy-conserving techniques, breathing strategies, and psychological counseling or group support. Surgical

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