Cyp 3.4 1.4

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CYP 3.4 1.4: Explain how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in own work setting or service. Name and Description of Legislation | How this relates to practice | The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974This Act of Parliament is the main piece of UK health and safety legislation. It places a duty on all employers "to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" of all their employees.Among other provisions, the Act also requires: * Safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems. * Maintenance of safe access to the workplace. * Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances. * Adequate training of staff to ensure health and safety. * Adequate welfare provisions for staff at work. | * Health and Safety policy. * Caretakers and cleaners on site for maintenance issues, including spillages. * Training provided. * COSHH regulation followed. | Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981This piece of legislation is statutory and requires employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or take ill at work. | * Trained First Aiders within college. * First Aid boxes readily available. * Care rooms available. | (RIDDOR) Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013These regulations require employers, the self-employed and people in control of premises, to report work-related deaths, major injuries, work-related diseases and dangerous occurrences. | * Accident forms completed for any accident or injury (staff, students and visitors). * Risk assessments completed to ensure any accidents can be prevented. | (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2013COSHH is the law that
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