Cyp 3.1 Essay

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CYP 3.1 Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth – 19 years. 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. All children and young people develop at different rates and in different ways. The sequence in the ways they develop are roughly the same, as they have to develop one skill before progressing to another, for example; a child will walk before they can run. Many of the skills children develop overlap into the different development areas, for example; Playing hot potato – The children will be using physical and social skills. While primarily a physical activity the children will be turn taking and following instructions from others and listening. There are 5 different development areas, these are: Physical: Fine motor skills Gross motor skills Co-ordination, hand-eye and general Intellectual/Cognitive: Developing creative and imaginative skills. Language to explain reasoning. Problem solving. Decision making. Using skills in different ways. Communication: Using language to explain reasoning. Expressing feeling. Describing event. Social, behavioural and moral: Turn taking. Co-operating with others. Social skills. Emotional: Learning about the feelings of others. Development of self-esteem and self-expression. Physical development. Physical development is a very important area of development that happens automatically as children grow and mature. It is imperative that they can develop in a variety of ways and that they are supported and encouraged
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