Cyp 3.1 1.1

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Unit CYP 3.1 Understand child and young person development This unit provides knowledge and understanding of how children develop from birth to 19 years, including underpinning theoretical perspectives. It also includes actions taken when differences in development are identified and the potential effects of transition on children and young people’s development. 1 Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years . 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years you need to show development for children from birth to age 19 that covers the development areas. You can either write per development area eg communication, physical, intellectual, social & emotion and moral and what development you would expect to see for each age group or you can write per age group eg birth to 3 months what communication development would you expect, what physical development you would expect to see etc. It doesn’t matter what way you do it as long as you cover all development areas for all age groups. You can split the age groups into chunks eg birth to three months, three months to one year, one year to three years, three years to five years, five years to seven years, seven years to 11 years, 11 years to 16 years, 16 years to 19 years. However if your sources of reference split the age groups up differently, go with it! Don’t make it harder than it needs to be! You can do this evidence by a chart, lists, bullet points ...whatever way you wish. Be warned this will be a big piece of work, not difficult, but time consuming because of the size of it. 1.2 Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important. The sequence is the order development happens eg sit, crawl and walk etc and the rate is
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