Cyclohexane Chapter 9 Study Guide

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2.1 Classes of Hydrocarbons: Aliphatic | Aromatic (aka Arenes) | Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes | Benzene is an example | Alkanes: All bonds are single bonds Alkenes: Contain at least one C-C double bond Alkynes: Contain at least one C-C triple bond 2.3 Bonding in H2: The Valence Bond Theory Sigma Bond: orbitals overlap along a line connecting the atoms 2.4 Bonding in H2: The Molecular Orbital Model Bonding Orbital and antibonding orbital produced 2.5: Introduction to Alkanes: Methane, Ethane and Propane Alkanes: CnH2n+2 2.6 sp3 Hybridization and Bonding in Methane Sp3 Hybridization 2.7 Bonding in Ethane CH3= Methyl Bonds with sigma bond 2.8 Isomeric Alkanes: The Butanes n-butane: four carbons are joined…show more content…
Substitutive Nomenclature: treats the halogen as a halo substituent on an alkane chain. The carbon chain is numbered in the direction that gives the substituted carbon the lower number. 4.3 IUPAC Nomenclature of Alcohols Place the Ol at the end 4.4 Classes of Alcohols and Alkyl…show more content…
RCH2G Primary R2CHG Secondary R3CG Tertiary. 4.7 Preparation of Alkyl Halides from Alcohols and Hydrogen Halides R-OH + H-X -> R-x +HOH “Alcohol” + “Hydrogen halide” -> “Alkyl halide” + “Water” The more primary the alcohol the more reactive, Primary=any halide Secondary=usually just Br with heat 4.8 Mechanism of the Reaction of Alcohols with Hydrogen Halides: Hammond’s Postulate Reaction of alcohol with hydrogen halide is a substitution Hydrogen Halide protenates Alcohol which then goes to H2O and the positive “alcohol” (no longer an alcohol since missing OH group) joins with the Halide Electrophile: electron loving Nucleophile: Nucleus seekers (extra electron pair) 4.9 Potential Energy Diagrams for Multistep Reactions: The SN1 Mechanism SN1 Mechanism: slow step is unimolecular 4.10 Structure, Bonding, and Stability of Carbocations Primary Carbocations do not exist in intermediates since too unstable (H3C)-C(H2) and (H3)-C are even more unstable. Secondary (H3C)2-C(H) are possible particularly with secondary alcohols with hydrogen

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