Cultural Moral Relativism: Criticisms and Alternatives

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No matter what the question, there are always various different opinions and outlooks on any given matter. Much of human history has been written just on account of various groups of people trying to reconcile or equilibrate their differences, weather by peaceful or violent means, often being fueled by the supposed “righteousness” of their actions, When the subject of right and wrong comes up, namely, the individual ethics of any given act or concept, the judgment any one person makes can be influenced by many factors. Depending on weather a person judges actions by the criteria of their own culture or background, or by their own personal views and opinions can greatly influence the way any situation or act can be judged. Most people hold at least some parallel in thought and deed as far as morality and ethical standards in accordance with that of their respective backgrounds. James Rachels, in his The Challenge of Cultural Moral Relativism, argues that cultural moral relativism, the standard y which people find things acceptable or not depending on their own cultures, is not a relevant and ethical way to judge cultures and their practices. His arguments aim at explaining why, just because a practice or belief is held to be true by a society or culture at large, does not make it right or ethical ultimately, or free from criticism. Perez 2 Upon learning of a certain ethnic or socioeconomic group discriminating or otherwise persecuting another group, weather drawing lines of distinction based on racial or other criteria, most people recoil in distaste and reproach. From the Indian caste system, which relegates some people to menial, undesirable positions of labor, to the German Third Reich, which decided weather people lived or died depending on their ethnic and religious background, exterminating millions of people, what is and has been seen

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