Cu2941 Essay

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CU2942 Promote Professional Development 1.1 It is important to continually improve my knowledge and practise within my role (as well as for others in their roles), so that I am aware of the up to date training, legislation and good practice. As I am a line manager I must set an example to others, and be knowledgeable enough to answer queries and share information. As legislation and methods of working in social care are often improved and adapted, I must keep up to date. Through expanding my knowledge I gain a better understanding of the job, which I can then pass on to others. I am able to undertake new duties through improvement, which makes my role more varied and interesting. There is also the chance that professional development may lead to promotion. During supervisions of staff I can relay important information that I have acquired and give examples of good practice. This helps to ensure that staff maintain a high level of support for individuals within the care of the organisation. Due to the fact that I liaise with parents, carers, social workers and other external agencies, it is essential that my knowledge is up to date and relevant in order to maintain professionalism and communicate appropriately. As part of my job, I apply for grant funding, therefore I need a sound understanding of the organisation and different job roles in order to explain the organisational aims coherently. 1.2 Some potential barriers to professional development are; lack of time/ busy workload, lack of resources aimed at specific roles to enable research and costly training. Also, in some cases staff may not feel confident enough to gain further knowledge. They may not be computer literate and this could deter them from professional development. Managers in some companies may not be supportive enough to allow people to gain more knowledge or

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