Cu1536 Essay

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CU1536 1.1 Explain how the range of early years settings reflects the scope and purpose of the sector There are many different types of childcare provision, these include: Mother and toddler groups- a place where the toddler can socialise with other children their age, whilst the mother or father can stay and learn more ways to look after and help with the child’s development. Pre-school is a private nursery, one that is paid for by the parent, they do not do compulsory hours and the child doesn’t have a primary school place already. Some children can go to a school nursery in the morning and then go to a private nursery in the afternoon. Day care is for children from the age of 3 months to 5 years, they have different classes for children of different ages and the parents can drop of the child and pick them up when they wish. Some parents only take the child in for one or two hours a day so that they have some interaction with other children and have new experiences. Crèche is a drop in centre style childcare provision, the parents do not pay a monthly fee they only pay when they need it, crèche’s are in many different places such as gyms, shopping centre’s and churches, in these areas the children are looked after whilst the parents can work out, shop or pray. The childcare sector has changed a lot in the last 50 years, as society changes so does the sector, since women have stopped staying at home and have stopped being the primary care giver to the children more childcare settings have been needed, they have needed to make more provisions for the children of the working mothers and single parents. In the last 50 years the number of single mums has increased dramatically, making it harder for them to both look after their children and go to work, for this reason they have made more daycares available for these mothers. The government offers all 3-4 year
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