Crystal Light In Thailand

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Crystal Light is low-calorie powdered beverage mix. It is a subsidiary brand of Kraft Foods and is currently distributed in the United States and in Canada. Introducing Crystal Light into countries located in Asia, specifically Thailand is a natural extension of the brand. Located in Southeast Asia, Thailand is the fiftieth largest country in the world and the twenty-first most populated. The Thai market is ideal for Crystal Light distribution because they have a large population that matches the Crystal light target market very well and currently, Crystal Light has very few competitors. Understanding Thai culture is very important to know, understand and incorporate when creating a promotional campaign for the brand. Crystal Light will be successful only if it fits in well with the Thai people’s way of life. The culture in Thailand is influenced by many others, including Chinese, Indian, Burmese, Lao, and Cambodian cultures. As a result of this cultural mix, Thai people are very warm, accepting, and tolerant of other cultures and are sensitive to the fact that it is difficult for foreigners to fully understand the intricacies of Thai’s culture and norms. One of the first things one learns when visiting Thailand is the concept of Sanuk. Sanuk is the Thai word for fun . In Thailand, people believe that anything worth doing in life, even work, should have some elements of Sanuk. Because of its location in Thailand, the capital city capital, Bangkok, is the center of Thailand’s commerce, industry, politics and culture. It is the largest urban area in the country. Bangkok is by far the most densely populated city in Thailand, home to approximately twelve million people. Following the 1980’s and 1990’s Asian investment in Thailand, a number of profitable and popular multinational corporations made their regional headquarters in Bangkok. As a result, the city has had

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