Criticism About Little Women

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Jo March as a New Epoch Woman In Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, according to the novel, Jo is portrayed as a new epoch woman through her role as leader of her family, relationship with Laurie, and pursuit of a career. Jo is the second elder sister in her family, but she plays an important role as leader of her family. Jo gives out almost all of her treasures to support her family. As soon as Jo’s father goes to the army, her family becomes poor. As a result of this situation, Jo decides to find a job to support her family, instead of paying money to go to school. In fact, Jo loves school, she wants to learn and read more books as a bookworm. Mrs. March finds Jo, and she wants Jo to working for her. Mrs. March is actually Jo’s aunt. “‘You don’t have half such a hard time as I do’, said Jo. ‘How would you like to be shut up for hours with a nervous, fussy old lady, who keeps you trotting, is never satisfied, and worries you till you’re ready to fly out of the window or cry?’” (12). Jo wants to support and to help her family to get over the hard time. That is the reason why she still works for Mrs. March, although she does not like her at all. Another treasure that Jo gives out is her hair. One day, the March family receives a telegram from a hospital in Washington D.C. The telegram says that Jo’s father, Mr. March, is terribly sick, and they want his wife, Mrs. March, to go to Washington D.C as soon as she can. Mrs. March does not have enough money for the trip to Washington D.C. In the spirit of the moment, Jo runs out to find a way to contribute. Jo returns home, having earned twenty-five dollars by selling her hair. Pretty Amy is horrified that Jo has lost her “one beauty.” Jo, however, is not sad until late at night, when she cries a little for her lost hair. She does her best to help her family. Jo is a tomboy, which means she prefers to be a boy, instead

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