Critical Race Theory

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HOW DOES DAVID GILLBORN REGARD THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ‘RACE’ IN EDUCATION IN BRITAIN TODAY? WRITTEN BY THOMAS SAMPSON Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a concept that is beginning to be applied to various sociological theories in the United Kingdom including justice, education and even family. Education is a popular discipline of CRT and has been researched extensively by various US academics including Zeus Leonardo and Richard Delgado however their work is specifically focused on the socio-political conditions within the United Stated (Seattle University). Dr David Gillborn, an Institute of Education, University…show more content…
Where as before they were consistently achieving the highest grades on the old assessments, on FSP black students were being introduced into a process of educational failure due to white supremacist attitudes which match those in the US which leads to failure being the only norm attributed to black people in life not just in compulsory learning. The issues faced by black people in the UK are almost identical to those in the US, however it is projected in a different context. Whereas in the UK students are separated into placement sets which provides the disadvantage, in the US students are separated into schools which have a dominate black populations and receives less funding than other schools with a majority white student body. With this distinction and comparison made between the Critical Race Theory of the US and the UK, the notion of “separate but equal” (US Department of Justice, 1896) exist in equal measure in both states. This paper would argue that the indoctrination of whiteness, as defined by Gillborn as the “assumptions and actions” (2008, p. 9) of whites, is maintained through an invisible and legal form of segregation, which exist in the schools of Britain. This in turn creates not just a psychological disadvantage but a physical disadvantages as being in lower sets mean that with a foundation tier exam it…show more content…
It clearly shows government intent to segregate society based on academic ability to which the assessments have been organised and written to allow for the high achievement of white students in comparison to black students. It is clear that there is distinct comparison to sociological structures in the US and the UK and both employ a form of racial segregation, the UK is an academic segregation affecting directly the opportunities that people have through out their lives. In the US people are segregated in prisons due to a self fulfilling prophecy to commit crimes encouraged by the living and social conditions of living in aghetto. Although the context is sometimes different the CRT research carried out in the US can be directly linked to events in the UK through the research that is being carried out by a new breed to critical race theorist who are applying the idea of racial dominance to all aspects to British
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