Critical Issues In Policing

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Critical Issues in Policing CJA/214 August 11, 2014 William Gobasky by John Fiermonte Critical Issues in Policing Introduction Becoming a Police Officer offers has many different aspects to the men or women who serve in the department and it does not matter if you are black, white, oriental, Hispanic, Muslim, and what sexual orientation you are it is still dangerous work and they put their lives on the line each and every day. They say goodbye to the wife, husband, children, and family not knowing how their shift is going to turn out, or if they are coming home that night it’s a tough job with a great deal of respect and honor. It's no secret that most police officers frequently encounter a great deal of individuals like.…show more content…
They now have high tech digital radio system from the 911 center to the Officers in the field very crystal clear reception, and Instead of an Officer using a six shooter revolver you have the modern day pistols Officers like to use The Glock pistol offers strong points, such as: can accommodate up to 15 shots in the clip. In today’s world you have computers, laptops, smart phones, and tablets officers can apply these tasks and start to computer illiterate. Digital equipment continues to aid the criminal justice process, and the extension of these equipment’s into the country's law enforcement departments so long as challenges for any person trying to get around the law. In looking at some of these capabilities, it is perfect to see their essential and incredible helpful to law enforcement offices around the globe. (2014 Loyola University) The technology is going to get better and the issue will the criminals start getting better, this is why enforcement need to stay one step ahead of the criminal’s…show more content…
Law Enforcement is the eyes and ears and are the first responders on the scene of a WMD (Weapons of mass destruction) Homeland security and law enforcement must work together to protect our borders, tunnels, bridges, water, utility plants, and Nuclear Power Plants from an attack. You also can’t forget our soft targets like shopping malls, public transportation, College and our University’s from an attack. It’s up to the public to be the eyes and ears for law Enforcement and Homeland security to call in any tips or suspicious activity. There are many tasks to the appropriate combination of homeland Security protection and law enforcement. Most of the main encounters fall under the groups of surveillance and intelligence, but total redesign, rearrangement, and reform are not off the table either. In terms of redefining the police function in society, it can be observed that homeland security movement came about at exactly the same time in history (circa 2001) as the municipal policing movement was dying down. Some people believed that there was a means to recover the community policing movement and/or make it well-matched with the homeland security front. The key to this is we all must work together at the local, county, and state level to assist Homeland Security if the funding is

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