Criminal Law Unit 9 Final Project

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Unit 9 Project: Final 1 Running Head: UNIT 9 PROJECT: FINAL Unit 9 Project: Final Julie Swartzendruber Kaplan University CJ230-06 Unit 9 Project: Final 2 Arson is the crime of intentionally setting fire to any structure. A death that results from arson is murder. “The mens rea states that the defendant must intend to start a fire either in or to a structure or dwelling. There is no requirement the defendant intended to commit arson; the malicious starting of the fire for whatever reason is sufficient. The actus reus is the act of intentionally starting the fire whatever the reason (Lippman, 2007).” “Arson has six categories which are as follows: vandalism arson is where a person who uses arson to express hatred towards a particular group or culture; profit-motivated arson is where a person who uses arson as a tool to collect from an insurance company; crime concealment is where a person who uses arson to cover up a crime; sabotage arson is where a person who uses arson as a means of protest; revenge arson is where a person who uses arson to get even; and excitement arson is where a person who commits arson only to obtain pleasure from watching the fire burn (coplaw, 2008).” This means that someone has to take a lighter, match, gas, blow torch, or even fire crackers to start a fire. Anything that could start a fire and anyone who does so willfully and knowingly does and has committed arson. I would have to say that it is a crime against property and people due to the fact that you are purposefully committing a crime against another person’s property and the individual itself. “Iowa code 712.1 Arson defined. 1. Causing a fire or explosion, or placing any burning or combustible material, or any
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