Criminal Law, Crime, & Crimes Against Property

2013 Words9 Pages
Criminal Law, Crime, & Crimes Against Property Roderick Williams POL 303 Richard Golfin October 22, 2012 Criminal Law, Crime, & Crimes Against Property Even though the sentences imposed for various crimes are often inconsistent and at times can be either too lenient or too harsh. Criminal Law defines acts considered to be crimes and crimes against property. When people are involved, the penalties for crimes against property can increase a great deal, you can be charged with a crime even if you don't know the law exists, rules or laws for which some governing authority can ultimately prescribe a conviction. , and Murder, for example, is covered under criminal law. First, Criminal Law defines acts considered to be crimes and crimes against property. When people are involved, the penalties for crimes against property can increase a great deal. It is distinct from civil law, which involves crimes which people commit against each other, not necessarily against the public as a whole. Murder, for example, is covered under criminal law, because although there is a specific victim, murder in general runs against the interests of the public. By contrast, if someone fails to honor a contract, this is a matter for civil law. Additionally, you would think someone would have to have intent to break the law in order to commit a crime, but that is not always the case. You can be charged with a crime even if you don't know the law exists, the rules or laws for which some governing authority can ultimately prescribe a conviction. Crime is the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority can ultimately prescribe a conviction (Schmalleger, 2011). Individual human societies may each define crime and crimes differently, in different localities, at different time stages of the so-called crime. But there are also crimes that are neither violent nor

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