Creativity and Giftedness: A Self Perspective

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Can I honestly say that I have the creative mind and that I am gifted? As a child, people would often share of how outspoken I am. I am the child who notices adult behavior and makes fun of it. People often laugh about it. Some people wonder what I would be like growing up. Growing up, I was brought up in a competitive environment. Brothers all coming from a prestigious school, excelling in their fields and co-curricular activities, a best friend who has been known all over campus as the girl who has the keen eye on acting and writing, and yet I chose to step back and watch it all happen right before me. In silence, I observed closely. As I moved to another chapter in my life, I found myself failing miserably where my brothers excelled the most: getting accepted to the college of my choice. Once again, I stepped back and watched it all shatter right before my eyes. Only now, I did this with tears rushing down my face. Having that deep sense of brokenness in my heart, I settled on the next best thing. Then again, I found myself in yet another competitive environment; people with much eagerness to read and explore, girls with so much giftedness to share, highly driven individuals, all of whom are ready to show the world the magic that they can do. I watched them closely. Yet as I did, I chose a decision that changed my life forever. . . I decided to step forward and move into the pace of the competition. I was never truly certain if it was due to my splintered dream but I found myself with a brand new, fully packaged dream: to have discoveries as an educator. As I try to open my packaged dream, I did this using both hands, with much care and love. Excited to discover what lies within is what drives me to do more. Children and their innocence revealed themselves to me. Teaching and molding their great young minds was a passion I felt hungry for. Even
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