Creative Writing: Danny's Plant Sequel

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Danny's Plant Sequel “Mom, please, make like a tree and leave!” Everyone burst out laughing at my pun. After school, later that day, Mother brought me to the horticulture shop to look at plants. They looked so pretty! I pleaded my mom to buy me a packet of flower seeds. She agreed and bought it for me. I was so excited, and named the future flowers, Woody. Later, when we got home, I went to find a flower pot and some soil to fill the pot. I dug a hole, put in 3 seeds, and covered the hole back with the soil I took out, and watered it. As I was watering it, I began telling it jokes, and talking to it, “What did Mrs. Plant say to Mr. Plant? 'Hey Bud, I like how you always bring me flowers!'” Mother was smiling at me, proud of seeing me interested in horticulture. Night was coming , and I was getting ready for dinner at the table, talked to Mother about Woody, and thinking of jokes to tell him. The next day, I excitedly ran to Woody to check on him, as I was watering him, I started petting him, leaf by leaf. I noticed right after I pet the leaves they had started to droop down, as if he was dead. I started to panic and yelled for Mom. “Mom! Look what happened to Woody!” She rushed to me from the kitchen. “Mom! I was taking care of Woody, but as I was petting and admiring his leaves, Woody began to droop and he looks like he's dead, Mother.”…show more content…
When I arrived, I told my horticultural teacher what happened to Woody. He told me that Woody might have been a plant called the shy plant. When you touch a shy plant, it will droop down and pretend to be dead. As I heard, that my hopes starting raising and was happy the rest of the day. When I went home, I checked on Woody and saw that he was alive again! I explained all about what happened to mother and she was very happy for me. I began watering and telling Woody jokes, and promised to myself to never touch his leaves
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