Creative Thinking and Natural Mental Orders

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University of Phoenix Material Creative Thinking and Natural/Mental Orders Worksheet Part 1: Creative Thinking Construct one metaphor about five different things that describe any aspect of your life, such as someone you know, something you do, some place you have been, or anything else. Refer to Activity 7.1, located in Ch. 7 of Thinking, for examples on how to create metaphors. Faith - Cultivates the seeds of conviction; an eternally blossoming flower of flawlessness; a surely neglected treasure Life - An arena of war; an epidemic of contentment; a soothing cup of chamomile tea; Growing up - A vast ocean of melancholy, a jarring blow to the comforting retreat of carelessness, a rollercoaster of complete uncertainty. Love - A wounded warrior; a beautifully dangerous jungle of survival; an infectious cancer of both heart and mind Food - A meadow of both color and delight; a tyrannical ruler; the glue of folk and kin Part 2: Natural/Mental Orders Create two sets of information using natural/mental orders. Refer to the “Natural/Mental Orders” section in Ch. 8 of Thinking for additional guidance (Topical, Analogical, Chronological, and Causal). Use examples not included in the textbook chapter. Topical You’re just like an unripened pear plucked from a tree- hard and bitter. Its flesh-like yours- was rigid and unwelcoming. The summer came far too late for you to ripen and mature. And just like that pear, you were plucked from your branch, before you were ready. Unnerved, and still bitter, you live until you're thrown away, never to be thought of again. As the darkness engulfs the remains of the dusks light, the moon slowly appears, its face shining bright. Gazing happily into the eyes of the moon, I truly wish that the moon would remain suspended in time, like a prized picture on my
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