Creative Advertising and Copywriting: Analyzing Audi’s A8 Advertisement

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The main objective of this ad is to promote Audi’s A8 as a new luxury car that redefines luxury. Shown during America’s Super Bowl commercial break, the ad targets the U.S. upmarket, wealthy audience of both genders, with an inclination towards males. From an upscale hotel converted into a prison, the luxurious items found in each prison cell down to the apparels and mannerisms of the cast, the commercial successfully depicted a metaphoric world of a ‘luxury prison’. To tie in with the whole concept of luxury, Afghan Hounds (also known as King of the Dog World) which signify elegance and royalty were released after the escapees instead of Doberman Pinschers or German Shepherds which we normally associate as prison dogs. The commercial also effectively used the analogy of the dodo bird by weaving it subtly into one of the scenes. As we equate the Dodo Bird as the symbol of stupidity and the emblem of extinction, the ad hints that the smart one adapts and survives by choosing the Audi A8 to escape from confinement while the stupid one, in this case is recaptured because he did not choose the Audi. Although the ad is tremendously creative with perfect execution, one improvement is to show exactly how the Audi A8 redefines luxury by featuring the add-on features and interior as the ad only featured the exterior of the car. Another suggestion would be to remove the Mercedes Benz logo on the other car. Although Audi has acknowledged that Mercedes is the benchmark of luxury by featuring it, potential buyers and car lovers might be turned off by the direct comparison which may lead to a negative impression on the Audi

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