Creation of Universe "An Islamic Perspective"

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The Islamic view toward the universe is an intellectual, scientific view that creates the human emotions and feelings toward the greatness of Allah the creator. It also creates emotions and feelings toward the smallness of the human being and his weakness in front of this universe, which leads to the necessity to submit to Allah (S.W.T.). Allah Has created everything According to The Quran, the life containing universe is solely created by the Almighty Allah and He is the Supreme Ruler of the universe. In Islamic ideology it is very unambiguous that whatever exists is created by Allah (swt). As Allah (swt) speaks in Qur'an Surah Rad Chapter # 13 Verse # 16 "Say: (Allah) is the Creator of all things: He is the One, the Supreme and Irresistible." Surah Az zumar Chapter #39 Verse #62 Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian) over all things. There are many other ayahs (verses) which refer to the fact that all that is on the Earth and in the Heavens is created by Almighty Allah (swt). Second important fact according to The Quran is that this universe-Earth and Heavens-has definite life period and has some definite objectives like other creations. Creation of Universe Islam is a scientifically inclined religion, perhaps the sole one! In its scripture Qur'an, God repeatedly appeals to people to travel the earth and observe. Why, He wants them to journey into the outer space too! He encourages them to look into Nature and examine the life forms and their activities. He commands them to contemplate upon these matters. That is not all. Qur'an contains in itself a large number of facts of any array of branches of science. Most of them were discovered in the last two centuries only, whereas they were existing in the Qur'an since it was revealed some fourteen centuries ago. That goes to prove

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