Creation Legends in the Greek and the Inuit Mythology

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Creation legends in the Greek and the Inuit mythology There are many different legends about the beginning of is interesting that most of these legend can be tied together in a way or another. The Greek and Inuit versions of early existence are related in many ways. In both interpretations there is one creator. The Greek version explains that Eurynome, the goddess of all things, rises naked from chaos and finds nothing for her feet to stand on. She then separates the sea from the sky and dances upon the waves to the south, where later her hands would turn into a serpent. Similarly, in the Inuit interpretation, a raven is born out of darkness and chaos. He searches around the dark trying to find his position; he finds water, grass and trees. After contemplating about who he is and what makes the grass grow, he eventually realizes that he is the Raven Father, the creator of all life. Secondly, both interpretations use the bird as the principal creator of all things. It is thought that Eurynome is the author of the universe. She becomes pregnant when her serpent hands coil around her. Next, she assumes the form of a dove and lays a huge egg which the serpent keeps warm until it hatches. The egg brings forth all the things that now exist: the sun, moon, planets, stars, and the earth with its mountains, valleys, stream, lakes, all living creatures, including the first humans. In like manner, Raven flies through the darkness and finds a new land, for which he calls Earth. One day, he notices a giant pea pod and watches it as it splits open and produces a man. He creates the ox and caribou for the man to eat but tells him not to harm them. He continues to create animals, but then creates a woman to be the man’s companion. Soon the man and woman reproduce and there are many children. Although similar in some ways, the two creation myths also

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