Creatine Monohydrate Research Paper

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Brink’s BODY Chapter 5/Creatine Monohydrate BUILDING Revealed Creatine Monohydrate What is it? Creatine is formed in the human body from the amino acids methionine, glycine, and arginine. Creatine is stored in the human body as creatine phosphate (CP) or phosphocreatine. The average person’s body contains approximately 120 grams of creatine stored as creatine and creatine phosphate. Creatine can also be supplied by foods. Certain foods such as beef, herring, and salmon, are fairly high in creatine, but a person would have to eat pounds of these foods daily to equal what can be found in one teaspoon of powdered creatine from a supplement. What is it supposed to do? During short maximal bouts of exercise such as weight training or…show more content…
The newest form being touted as the best invention since the discovery of testosterone is creatine ethyl ester. However, the vast majority of research to date showing creatine effects on muscle mass and performance used the monohydrate form and most creatine found in supplements is in the monohydrate form. There are many and surprisingly complicated problems with the above forms, but I will do my best to cover the essential issues. For one thing, these forms have little or no research supporting any of their claims, some of which are either totally outlandish, or biologically impossible. Many companies selling these products make claims, for example, that creatine monohydrate is poorly absorbed and or poorly metabolized by the body. This is simply untrue: research has found that creatine monohydrate is highly absorbable. Some claim less “bloating” or other supposed effects of monohydrate, but don’t have a drop of data to support the claim, or even a feasible theory as to why their form would not have the effect vs. the monohydrate form. They often claim dramatically improved absorption over monohydrate (without data), fewer side effects (without data), the ability to reduce the number of non-responders to creatine (without data), etc. Are you starting to see a theme here?! Now, it’s not impossible for example, that a creatine citrate or malate (both of which are simply creatine bound to a TCA cycle intermediate) may work for a higher percentage of people than the monohydrate form, thus reducing the number of non-responders, but it has yet to be proven. It may be that the creatine-magnesium chelate form – the most interesting form of the group in my view – may be superior to the monohydrate form for adding LBM or strength, but there has yet to be a single head-tohead study

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