Couseling and Rapport

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Rapport and Counselling Relationship Swinburne ID: 7739273 Swinburne University of Technology Word Count: 2145 Abstract The term “counselling” might have an ambiguous meaning to someone who has not undergone therapy or attended a class on counselling before. Even top psychotherapists and other experts in this field express seemingly differing opinions when asked to define what counselling is. At the heart of all the various approaches though,lay the fact that the counsellor facilitates growth and self-awareness of the client.The essay has highlighted three literature reviews from different authors on what counselling is and go on to demonstrate professional preference on the definition of counselling. This will be followed up by a discussion on the importance of a helping relationship as defined in Carl Roger’s book “On Becoming a Person.” . Lastly, the author has shared and reflected on a period when empathic communication was a challenge that had to be overcome . INTRODUCTION Rapport and Counselling Relationship Rapport and Counselling Relationship : The Fundamentals of Counselling “Very little is needed to make a happy life ; it is all within yourself ,in your way of thinking.”( Marcus Aurelis ~ 121 AD-180AD) The modern world is undoubtedly filled with unimaginable technology, speed and comfort. There is more to see, to consume, to experience. And yet in the more developed parts of the world, a happy, carefree face on the street or on a public transport would be a rare one as compared to a third world country today. Due to the fast-paced and demanding lifestyle and the addiction to electronic gadgets, more and more people seem to be disconnected from their friends and family and thus creating disharmony in their lives. Stressful life events, depression, anxiety, marital discord and addiction are some of the issues counsellors would be
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