Couple Adoption Analysis

1417 Words6 Pages (2014) defines the American dream as “the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual.” When it comes to having a successful life one can weigh it as family and work related. The main vision of the American Dream for an individual is to have a husband or wife, children, and a steady job to support their family. One searches to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life and share the benefits a married couple receives including tax, employment, and medical benefits. A tax benefit for a couple is by the federal government helping them save money by allowing them to file jointly. Not only can they file jointly, a married couple can also divide…show more content…
When it comes to pregnancy, a couple can choose to do so if they don’t have any type of medical complications. When medical complications or other factors prevent the couple from having children, they can choose to adopt as an alternative to still help them live a success family life. Adoption not only helps the couple, but also gives children a chance at a better life that may not having a family or be in foster care. According to (2014) there are 400,000 kids in the foster system, 100,000 which are adoptable and 23,500 aged out of the system in 2012. If a couple had no right to adopt a child, they would not only be missing a piece of the American Dream, but also the child would be missing an opportunity at a successful life as well. An example is that a non-married couple can’t adopt a child jointly in thirty states. If a couple is denied marriage, then they also are denied adoption in these thirty states. A loving couple can want to build a family and help take care of a child that is in need of a home and still be denied the right of adoption. A couple can miss out on the American Dream if the option of adoption is taking away from couples that can’t have a child through…show more content…
When it comes to getting terminated from employment, which could cause a loss of opportunity to achieve success, a company can’t fire a person due to their gender, race, nation of origin, disability, pregnancy, or age. Without these laws, a person of minority could be terminated based on any of the factors listed. An example of this would be a pregnant woman being fired due to an employer thinking she is not productive enough because she has morning sickness that causes her to go to the bathroom more frequently. By a company firing a pregnant woman for this reason, they are breaking a law and would be at risk of being fined or sued for wrongful termination. Having all these laws protecting a person’s employment, gives them a better chance at achieving success and the American

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