Counseling Adlerian Essay

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1. In what ways did the counselor's use of ADLER'S INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY demonstrate the listening and communication skills described by Nystul and Waldo? How might the counselors' listening and communication skills be improved? Please offer EXAMPLES from the video of both strengths and areas for improvement. Dr. Carlson used Adler’s individual psychology during his session by asking the client about her and how was everything in her life was. He also reviewed the information that he had from the survey that she had filled. He then started asking questions about her family and he asked open-ended questions, the client was very helpful because she liked to talk and gave very detailed and complete answers, so that also helped with the continuity and the effectiveness of the session. Dr. Carlson used the listening and communications skills described by Nystul and Waldo in that he corroborated what she said to be clear that he was understanding what she was saying, also he let her talk until she finished her response and gave some encouragements. Some of the things that could be improved would be to give more feedback to go more in depth into some of the topics that the client was talking about that appeared as if they needed counseling, but I also understand that this was the first session and they has time constrains. 2. How does the description and demonstration of counseling according to Adler's Individual Psychology on the video recordings fit and/or not fit with the descriptions of the theory offered by Nystul and Waldo? What key concepts from Adler's theory did you see demonstrated in the counselors' work with the clients? Please offer EXAMPLES from the video. The video and the description of Adler’s Individual Psychology by Nystul and Waldo fit in that Dr. Carlson starts the session by implying that the client has capacity and motivation to do
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