Cosmological Argument Essay

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How did the universe begin? Throughout history, that question has probably been the most debated topics between the philosophical, scientific and religious communities. I believe it is human nature in us that continues to seek the answers to “why” and “how” and not just sit back on blind faith. Even with today’s advances in science about our universe and its origin, we are no closer to providing solid proof for what caused the beginning of the universe or proving if it just always existed. I actually find that very interesting in the fact that through the major advancements in the medical field, scientist have successfully found vaccinations for diseases that have killed millions, robots that perform surgery, cloned animals, and the list could go on and on. But science has provided no solid evidence on how the universe got its beginning. Many philosophers and theologians believed that the existence of the universe needed an explanation. Plato (c.427-347 BCE) and Aristotle (c. 384-322 BCE) were among the earlier philosophers who attempted to answer the question in what became known as the cosmological arguments. According to Plato in his dialogue “The Laws” he argued that motion in the world and the cosmos was “imparted motion” that required some kind of “self-originated motion” to set it in motion and to maintain that motion. Aristotle’s arguments were centered around the fact that things just don’t exist, nothing comes from nothing, there needed to be a cause. During his study he realized that for every cause, there is one before it that caused it to happen, which eventually he realized, caused an infinite backwards cause of causes. Ultimately coming to the conclusion that there must have been a first cause. St. Thomas Aquinas is considered to be one of the greatest Christian philosophers that ever lived. He was also an Aristotelian scholar. Aquinas adapted

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