Corruption In The Prison System

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Jessica McClenahan Sociology of Prisons Professor Ronald Lee Morris 12 March 2012 Prison: A Corrupt System “Prison will always be prison: Every society has to live with some level of institutional violence in the worlds it builds to confine its most dangerous elements, and there’s an inherent cruelty to incarceration that cannot be refined away. But there has to be a limit, as well. And what Americans have learned to tolerate (or rather, ignore) inside the walls of jails and prisons ought to churn our stomachs, shock our consciences, and produce not only outrage, but action.” (Douthat) The inherent cruelty to incarceration goes beyond the expected violence that occurs in prison. The corruption of the penal system this cruelty…show more content…
The Preamble of the American Correctional Association Code of Ethics declares that members of the association should have “unfailing honesty, respect for the dignity and individuality of human beings and a commitment to professionalism and compassionate service (” Not everyone employed by the Department of Corrections adheres to this code of ethics. In fact, the correctional officers in Felon display complete disobedience to this code of ethics. Lieutenant Jackson is the prison’s commander of the yard brawls. Jackson is a sadistic brute that is not only entertained by inmate violence and bloodshed, but places bets on it. After viciously beating a disrespectful inmate Jackson says, “throw him in his cell, let everybody see it!” Correctional officer corruption goes even further than barbaric behavior. On October 12, 2010 a thirty-year-old corrections officer was arrested after an interview with Wenatchee police investigators and booked into the Grant County Jail for investigation of bribery, forgery, complicity to escape, introduction of contraband and official misconduct. ( Corrections officer misconduct sets a bad example for prisoners as well as the Department of…show more content…
Their influence on a community is determined by their criminal behavior, the abuse of their victims, and their participation in already existing gangs. Research proposes that involvement of ex-convicts in youth gangs increases the life of gangs and their level of violent crime, in part because of the ex-convicts’ increased taste for violence following imprisonment and history they contribute to youth gangs (Howell and Decker, 1999). Despite the corruption, prison can offer inmates a chance to form an irreplaceable bond. Without experience and advice, a prisoner cannot survive life in prison. In Felon, Smith acted as Porter’s mentor. Smith understood prison politics because prison was his home, while Porter was only a tourist. Smith’s wise words significantly imprinted Porter’s life inside and outside prison. Yes prison desensitizes you but it also forces you to see what's most important: family and loyalty because a con likes you knows neither exists in this place. So don't run from who you've become felon. Embrace it, grow from it and never lose sight of what truly

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