Corruption and the Criminal Justice System

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Corruption and the Criminal Justice System: The Wrongfully Accused Taquenna K. Wynn American Public University System Author Note Taquenna K. Wynn, Criminal Justice Major, American Public University System Currently, Taquenna. Wynn is a student at American Public University. This research was conducted by Taquenna K. Wynn Abstract This paper explores the criminal justice system and its corruption. It is going to focus on certain events where several lives hang in the hands of an unjust system. Corruption and the Criminal Justice System: The Wrongfully Accused On Friday March 24, 1944, in Columbia, South Carolina, fourteen year old George Junius Stinney Jr. was accused of killing two young girls. Eleven year old Betty June Binnicker, Mary Emma Thames. Fourteen year George and his sister Katherine Stinney were on their way home, when Emma and Betty cycled by asking if they knew where the May Pop flowers were growing. Both George and Katherine told them they did not know and the girls rode off. Right after Katherine and George went home. Soon it was up that the two girls were missing, so George joined the search party to look for both Mary and Betty. They soon found both Mary and Betty dead by the railroad tracks, the murder weapon close by. It was a railroad spike. Katherine and George reported to the sheriff that they had seen both Betty Binnicker and Mary Thames earlier that day look for May Pop flowers. The sheriff had rounded up several people for suspicion of the two murders. George was one of the people rounded up. That single sighting was enough for George Stinney to be arrested. George was locked up in a room with several officers for over an hour. He was not offered a lawyer nor was he given access to one. So fourteen years old George Junius Stinney Jr. was arrested for the murders of both Mary Emma Thames and Betty June Binnicker

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