Contribution Of Social Studies

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Social Studies has contributed and is still contributing to the development of the individual in different ways. However, before discussing the different ways, I will first define Social Studies. According to the Grade 7-9 Social Studies Curricula, “ Social Studies is primarily concerned with the study of people, their activities and relationship, as they interact with one another and with their physical and socio-cultural environment in an effort to meet their needs to live and to make a living.” Social Studies is been taught in school to prepare our young people for citizenship. It was intended as a nation building subject, as distinct from other field of study. Social Studies has developed certain basic foundational beliefs. The contributions of Social Studies to the development of the individual are the research for pattern in their lives, the content and processes of learning, decision making and problem solving, and the development and analysis of one’s own value in social actions. A pattern is a regular activity that has occurred in the past and can be expected to occur again in the future, as stated in Social Studies and the elementary or middle school students. Individuals are now informed from the media, peers, family members and Social Studies. They can make sense out of such things as family relationship, what money means, what people do when they work, why people are happy and sad. These are few of the patterns they constructed out of the information they gather from Social Studies. Social Studies has help individual identify patterns and developed their own mental construction of the social world. These patterns that are developed are the concepts and generalizations of Social Studies. The individual developed the content and learning processes, by process information efficiently through practice. Individual, who developed their ability to
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