Context Effects Of Essay Scoring

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Context Effects of Essay Scoring Essay scoring is being done all over the world everyday. The scorers of the essays read numerous essays at a time. The essays could be in all different orders, but it could be by chance that there are four good essays in a row and then a bad one or it could even be the other way around. There could be four bad essays in a row and then a good one following. How will that fifth essay be rated? Would the bad essay following the good essays seem so bad that I gets rated a lower score than it should? For the fifth essay following all the bad essays, will that essay seem written so good because the reader just read a bunch of bad essays that he or she rates it with a score that is too high? These are all questions that arise due to the fact that effects within the context of reading essays influence how an essay gets scored, which in turn raises the principle of equality and justice. These principles have been brought up before in the past because there have been studies done that address key components of this topic that have to do with holistic grading and context effects of grading essays. Some researchers have had such interest in this subject that they did their own research and came up with findings themselves. Hughes and Keeling (1984) had twenty-five intermediate high school teachers grade essays written by thirteen and fourteen year olds on their hopes and aspirations for the future. These teachers have had at least five years experience with this age group. Hughes and Keeling wanted to know if having a model essay to refer to while scoring essays would help reduce context effects. They randomly choose seventy-eight students from a college educational research methods class of one-hundred and fifty-six students to grade these essays. Thirty-nine were randomly put in the experimental group with the model essay and

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