Contending Voices Chapter 4 Notes

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Introduction In contending voices chapter 4 is about the views of John Adams and Jonathan Sewell. In the beginning of the chapter it starts off with Sewall and Adams having a conversation. Sewall and Adams are great friends who have different opinions of what was currently going on in their time period. In that time the American Revolution was on the rise. Adams was for it revolution while Sewall sided with the British. An important quote that Sewall said in the introduction “I will sink or swim live or die, survive or perish with my country that is my unalterable determination- Jonathan Sewall. A brilliant imagination The chapter brilliant imagination was based on the life of Jonathan Sewall he was born in 1728. Sewall went to Harvard and after that he soon after took up teaching after discovering his heart wasn’t in teaching he started to study law soon after he took over Russell practice in 1766. Sewall and Adams met at Harvard. Adams describes Sewall lively wit, pleasing humor, a brilliant imagination. * “Give implicit credit to the turbulent harangues of a very bold, disaffected, popular disclaimer”. Just getting under sail The chapter just getting under sail was based on facts about John Adams. Adams was born in 1735 he loved books. Adams never had anything handed to him so he was a hard worker. He disciplined himself harshly when it came to school and work. He was a serious person he studied hard and had harsh disc Both Adams and Sewell came from modest families both graduated from Harvard. Adams pursed a teaching career although that failed he pursued a legal career afterwards. In 1971 he practiced law with the superior court. He had one daughter with Abigail who he was older than. * Important dates: French and Indian war (1754-1763) sugar act (1764) stamp act (1765) Rendered himself quite subservient Adams and Sewall opposed the stamp act.

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