Constructing Meaning Through Reading and Writing

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Constructing Meaning through Reading and Writing Shannon Zelayandia Grand Canyon University: EED-475 April 7, 2013 Constructing Meaning through Reading and Writing |Strategy |Activity |Assessment | |Teach the Author-Reader Relationship |Write Aloud: Give the students a small passage |Have the students hand in their papers and | | |and then have the students write what the |check for a clear understanding by what answers| | |author’s purpose is. Including main characters,|the students put down. Have each student bring | | |plot, main idea, and setting. They can also |up the paper one by one and ask further | | |draw a picture to go with it. |questions to the students t check for a better | | | |understanding. | |Teach Prior Knowledge |KWHL chart: After reading a short passage about|Bring small groups of students back to the back| | |a subject they are learning in class. Using a |reading table and go over these charts with the| | |regular sheet of paper fold the paper in four. |students. Make sure each student has filled out| | |At the top of each section write one letter in |the chart completely and answer any questions | | |it, K (What the students knows already)

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