“Constitutional Reform Since 1997 Has Not Gone Far Enough”. Discuss. (40 Marks)

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“Constitutional reform since 1997 has not gone far enough”. Discuss. (40 marks) Since 1997 many reforms have been introduced with the aim of making the UK overall more democratic. Such as the House of Lords reform which was intended to make it more representative, electoral reform which was intended to make government again more representative as there are many problems with the current first-past-the-post system, the elected mayors reform as even still there are very few mayors, and electoral reform as the issue has seemingly been forgotten for now. One reform that has been introduced is the House of Lords reform, which was first introduced in 1999 and then again in 2012 with the aim of making the House of Lords much more representative by getting rid of hereditary peers (people in the house of lords due to previous ties) and by allowing people to vote for who they want in the house. This reform has not gone far enough because as it is far from complete as legislation was proposed to create a partly or fully elected House of Lords but then were dropped by the Conservatives as they said no to a fully elected second chamber in 2012. However this reform has done a fair amount as now the House of Lords has far more legitimacy than it did before because 92 members of the house were removed as they were hereditary peers and so these 92 places were voted on clearly increasing legitimacy and to an extent representation as before this it was the only part of government that was fully unrepresentative going against the ideology of democracy. This shows that here progress is seemingly slow as while the reform is introduced is somewhat understated and not as full a reform as it could be, it is still a reform and shows changes in the government as now they are actually looking towards reform. Another reform that has been introduced is the human rights act, which was

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